iOS App瘦身注意armv7 armv7s arm64

news/2025/2/8 23:14:09 标签: arm, ios, app, ipa



armv6 armv7 armv7s arm64引起编译包翻倍增大的问题,于是就试了一下,果然ipa包又回到了以前的大小。下边来说一下关于ios这个指令集(一下内容



  • armv6
    • iPhone
    • iPhone2
    • iPhone3G
    • 第一代和第二代iPod Touch
  • armv7
    • iPhone4
    • iPhone4S
  • armv7s
    • iPhone5
    • iPhone5C
  • arm64
    • iPhone5S



Architecture : 指你想支持的指令集。

Valid architectures : 指即将编译的指令集。

Build Active Architecture Only : 只是否只编译当前适用的指令集。



因此,Architecture的值选择:armv7 armv7arm64


Convert Your App to a 64-Bit Binary After Updating It for iOS 7

Xcode 5.0.1 can build your app with both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries included. This combined binary requires a minimum deployment target of iOS 5.1.1 or later. The 64-bit binary runs only on 64-bit devices running iOS 7.0.3 and later. If you have an existing app, you should first update your app for iOS 7 and then port it to run on 64-bit processors. By updating it first for iOS 7, you can remove deprecated code paths and use modern practices. If you’re creating a new app, target iOS 7 and compile 32-bit and 64-bit versions of your app.

The architecture for 64-bit apps on iOS is almost identical to the architecture for OS X apps, making it easy to create a common code base that runs in both operating systems. Converting a Cocoa Touch app to 64-bit follows a similar transition process as the one for Cocoa apps on OS X. Pointers and some common C types change from 32 bits to 64 bits. Code that relies on the NSInteger and CGFloat types needs to be carefully examined.

Start by building the app for the 64-bit runtime, fixing any warnings that occur as well as searching your code for specific 64-bit issues. For example:

  • Make sure all function calls have a proper prototype.

  • Avoid truncating 64-bit values by accidentally assigning them to a 32-bit data type.

  • Ensure that calculations are performed correctly in the 64-bit version of your app.

  • Create data structures whose layouts are identical in the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of your app (such as when you write a data file to iCloud).

1,如果想自己的app在各个机器都能够最高效率的运行,则需要将Build Active Architecture Only改为NO,Valid architectures选择对应的指令集:armv7 armv7arm64。这个会为各个指令集编译对应的代码,因此最后的 ipa体积基本翻了3倍,Release版本必须NO。

2,如果想让app体积保持最小,则现阶段应该选择Valid architectures为armv7,这样Build Active Architecture Only选YES或NO就无所谓了



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